Web Strategy for Everyone

Web Strategy for Everyone

License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
Edition: Web edition 1.0 (2017-09-29)
Title: Web Strategy for Everyone
Author: Marcus Österberg
Publisher: Intranätverk

Before we begin

Why you should read this book

This book introduces what you need to know when working with the Web, no matter your role. My ambition is to make web strategy less mysterious, without relying on difficult words or complex reasoning.

I tackle how to arrange topics and lay out content to make your website more useful, usable, and user-focused, on any device.

With hands-on guidance, you’ll be able to assess and address performance issues and prioritize the work needed to improve your website.

While this is a practical handbook, it does not focus on code or technical matters, but rather concentrates on helping you come to a deep understanding of user-needs and how your website should satisfy visitors. Working through the chapters, you’ll devise your own web strategy to guide your tech, design, and content efforts.

About me

Hi! I’m Marcus Österberg, and since 1998 I’ve worked in all kinds of roles with web as the prefix; web designer, web application developer, web editor-in-chief, web analyst, and web strategist, to name the most memorable. I’ve worked as a consultant, entrepreneur, teacher, and at times, been the client in both the private and public sectors. The Web has powered every phase of my career and I think it’s integral to many roles.

My colleagues and managers have often joked(?) that I should write a gospel about the Web to record my ideas and guidance. This book is that gospel.

Table of Contents