Outro: Tips on in-depth reading, sources & references

Tips on in-depth reading:

  • Content Strategy for the Web, Kristina Halvorson, ISBN 0321808304
  • Don’t Make Me Think, Steve Krug, ISBN 0321965515
  • Mobile First, Luke Wroblewski, ISBN 1937557022
  • Responsive Web Design, Ethan Marcotte, ISBN 098444257X
  • Mobile Usability, Jakob Nielsen & Raluca Budiu, ISBN 0321884485
  • Content Strategy for Mobile, Karen McGrane, ISBN 1937557081

… And of course my blog at webstrategyforeveryone.com 🙂

Sources & references

Thanks goes out to…

Agneta Grangård for assigning me challenging digital topics to write about at work. Linus Josefsson for opposition about the benefits of responsive web design. Patrik Malmquist who had many valuable observations on the content. Pär Lannerö for input on usability and accessibility. Filip Andersson for clarifying some English grammar, and particularly pronouns, for me when in doubt (and for always being there when needed!).

Robert Lundin for the inspiration to stop being a smartass about RSS, JSONP and other tech knick-knacks and instead write a gospel – The gospel of Mark(us), which was the working title for a long time. Kristian Norling for all writing-assignments over the years, all influences on the use of technology and for being the publisher of this book. Kalle Skogh for answering my probably, to him, stupid questions on how Millennials regard the Web.

All of you who have encouraged me along the long road until completion.

However, of course, mainly thanks to, Anna Johansson. Whom among other things designed the whole thing and had to put up with all woefully confused matters during these years of sometimes writing, and sometimes write angst.

A small selection of what Anna had to put up with:

”How universally understood is the term faux pas?! C’mon! ARE U AWAKE, or asleep?“
”I want the book to be moderately thick, columns to feel uncluttered, neat, and colorful and a premium feel of the paper. Can you do it? “

As said. Thank you!

Web Strategy for Everyone

This book focuses on the necessary skills of developing and taking care of websites. What you need to know to work strategically with your website. The introduction reflects the Web’s history and how it connects to the Web we see today. Followed by what ought to be common knowledge on information architecture, such as tagging, metadata, digital asset management, URL strategy and the like.

Obviously, web design strategies are discussed at length, including responsive web design, and how to design to be persuasive. Next to last topic on how to optimize the performance of a website and last but certainly not least, the do-it-yourself section where you can test a variety of quality factors of your site based on usability, search engine optimization, and more.

“Marcus Österberg’s book Web Strategy for Everyone is just what the title advocates, a book for everyone. With simple and well-written text it guides the reader through the most important foundations of a successful website.”
– Fredric Ollerstam, web producer

“Highly recommended for anyone working with strategic web matters for medium to large companies and businesses.”
– Anders Lövkvist, Brand Manager at RLVNT Distribution

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Web Strategy for Everyone

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